Write Now #2-4

Write Now #2

Explore Melissa Stewart’s blog called at http://celebratescience.blogspot.com/.

Time Tip:

Set aside 30-60 minutes for this. The blog's sidebar includes her popular posts and lists of topics.

You may even want to subscribe while you’re there.

Write Now #3

Grab a stack of informational kidlit books. Study them as mentor texts. Examine tone, word choice, and word count. Look at the structure and text features.

Now I have a suggestion that may sound crazy but it's fully worth the time and energy.

Take the time to copy one full picture book or chapter to get a “feel” for the book and really understand it better. (I would suggest doing this for multiple books!) Think about how musicians learn to play music. They don't begin by composing their own songs; instead musicians study the masters. They play those songs prior to writing their own.

Write Now #4

Study several issues of a children’s magazine you want to write for. Do they publish mostly fiction or informational? Study the tone, word choice, and word count. Are sidebars included? Be sure to look for their guidelines online. Do a search for “MAGAZINE TITLE submission guidelines.” Your handy-dandy children’s market guide can also help. (See resources for some market guide suggestions.)

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